Type de la demande
BR Brevet
Sous-type de la demande
BR Brevet PCT
(10) Numéro et date d'enregistrement
015695 2012.12.31
(180) Date d'expiration
(20) Numéro et date de dépot
OA 1/2011/000398 2010.04.30
(40) Numéro et date de publication
OA 1/2011/000398
(86) PCT Numéro et date de dépoôt
(87) PCT Numéro et date de publication
(85) Date d'entrée en phase Nationale
(30) Détails de la priorité
AU 2009901948
(74) Nom du représentant
(FR) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners : Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A
(54) intituler
(FR) Integrated automation system for regions with variable geographical boundaries.
(57) Abrégé
(FR) Methods and systems are described for effecting autonomous operations within a defined geographical region (1110). A plurality of localised zones (1102, 1104, 1106, 1108) having operation-defined geographical boundaries are specified within the region. A plurality of control modules are established associated with respective ones of the localised zones and autonomous operations are effected under the supervisory control of the control module associated with the localised zone in which the autonomous operation occurs. The geographical disposition of the boundary of at least one of the localised zones is varied within the defined geographical region.
(58) Citations
Type de document Date Action
Nom de l'événementDateSatut