Type de la demande
BR Brevet
Sous-type de la demande
BR Brevet PCT
(10) Numéro et date d'enregistrement
015675 2012.12.31
(180) Date d'expiration
(20) Numéro et date de dépot
OA 1/2010/000327 2009.03.25
(40) Numéro et date de publication
OA 1/2010/000327
(86) PCT Numéro et date de dépoôt
(87) PCT Numéro et date de publication
(85) Date d'entrée en phase Nationale
(30) Détails de la priorité
GB 0805342.3
(74) Nom du représentant
(FR) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP) : 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II
(54) intituler
(FR) Method and apparatus for repairing tubular members.
(57) Abrégé

The present invention provides an apparatus for repairing the outer sheath of a pipe, said apparatus comprising a sleeve (12) adapted to surround the pipe, sealing means (16) for establishing atleast two circumferential seals between the surface of the pipe and means (17, 18) for forcing a sealing solution against the surface of the pipe between the two circumferential seals, the arrangement being such that in use the sleeve is spaced from the outer sheath of the pipe to form a sealed annulus therebetween and a method of repairing an outer sheath of a pipe, said method comprising the steps of mounting a sleeve over the pipe to provide an annulus therebetween, securing the sleeve in place around the pipe, providing two circumferential seals between the sleeve and the pipe and forcing a sealing solution against the surface of the pipe between the two circumferential seals to form a pressure seal between the circumferential seals and sealing the annulus between the pipe and the sleeve.

(58) Citations
Type de document Date Action
Nom de l'événementDateSatut