Type de la demande
BR Brevet
Sous-type de la demande
BR Brevet PCT
(10) Numéro et date d'enregistrement
018849 2019.07.10
(180) Date d'expiration
(20) Numéro et date de dépot
OA 1/2010/000378 2008.09.19
(40) Numéro et date de publication
(86) PCT Numéro et date de dépoôt
(87) PCT Numéro et date de publication
(85) Date d'entrée en phase Nationale
(30) Détails de la priorité
(71/73) Déposant
(FR) BRIZIO Adriana : Via Ceresio, 18
(74) Nom du représentant
(FR) CABINET NGWAFOR & PARTNERS : Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208 A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE
(54) intituler
(FR) Can for the extemporaneous preparation of beverages by extraction and/or infusion, provided with a safety lid
(57) Abrégé

The can (10; 10A; 10B; 10C) for the extemporaneous preparation of beverages by extraction and/or infusion comprises a first chamber (12) intended to collect the final beverage, a second chamber (14) containing a drinkable liquid and a filtering device (16) containing a substance able to produce the required beverage by extraction and/or infusion. The can is foreseen to be put onto a heating source after opening the can lid (18; 18A, 18B; 18C) and operating the filtering device (16) by the user. The lid (18; 18A, 18B; 18C) comprises: an outer rim portion (22; 22B) intended to remain fixed to the can lateral wall (20) when opening the can; an inner removable portion (24; 24A; 24B; 24C) intended to be ripped in order to open the can; and a predetermined breaking line (34) separating said inner removable portion (24; 24A; 24B; 24C) from said outer rim portion (22; 22B). The breaking line (34) is provided in an annular portion (28; 28A; 28B; 28C) forming part of the lid (18; 18A, 18B; 18C) and made of plastic material. The outer part (32; 32B) of the annular portion (28; 28A; 28B; 28C) is part of the outer rim portion (22; 22B) while the inner part thereof (24; 24A; 24B; 24C) is part of the inner removable portion (24; 24A; 24B; 24C).


(58) Citations
Type de document Date Action
Nom de l'événementDateSatut