Type de la demande
BR Brevet
Sous-type de la demande
BR Brevet PCT
(10) Numéro et date d'enregistrement
016221 2014.01.31
(180) Date d'expiration
(20) Numéro et date de dépot
OA 1/2010/000314 2009.03.18
(40) Numéro et date de publication
(86) PCT Numéro et date de dépoôt
(87) PCT Numéro et date de publication
(85) Date d'entrée en phase Nationale
(30) Détails de la priorité
EP 08005000.8
(71/73) Déposant
(FR) BLUE-TOWN APS : c/o AXO Horkaer 12 A 1
(72) Inventeur
(FR) KRISTENSEN, Johnny : Agern Alle' 3
(FR) STROMSTED, Rasmus : Thomas Laubsgade 33, II. tv.
(74) Nom du représentant
(FR) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP : Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694
(54) intituler
(FR) Communication system for voice-over internet protocol using license-free frequencies and a mobile telephone.
(57) Abrégé
(FR) In a communication system comprising - at least one mobile telephone (1) having Bluetooth capability and software- implementing possibilities, - at least one Bluetooth access point (6) providing an internet connection, - at least one internet-connected VOIP server (8) providing call connections in the form of PSTN, GSM, VOIP, etc., there is provided a software-implemented client (11,12,13,18) functioning as a call centre and controlling outgoing and incoming communications to be directed via the Bluetooth connection (5) between the mobile telephone (1) and the Bluetooth access point (6) and via the internet (7) to and from the VOIP server (8) controlling the call connections. This provides the possibility of making calls at a reduced price or even free.
(58) Citations
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