BOPI 09 BR/2024 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 29 (57) L'invention concerne un dispositif d'irrigation polyvalent et écologique comprenant : un tuyau, pour transporter de l'eau , d'environ 30/25 mm de diamètre solide en pvc ou en plastique recyclé, d'environ 3m à 6m de long possédant des ports de remplissage d'environ 10 mm distants d'environ 20 cm dont les cols sont d'environ 7cm de long, aux diamètres d'environ 30/25 à environ 3 filets, des bouteilles en plastiques (3), des ports (4) ; des bouchons de fermeture, des supports fixés au sol, une source d'eau et des systèmes d'irrigation. Fig. 1 ________________________________________ (11) 21654 Consulter le mémoire (51) B64C 31/028 (2023.01); B64C 39/02 (2023.01) (21) 1202400163 (22) 25/04/2024 (54) Economic an ecological tourist aircraft. (72) Ibrahim ABDOULLAHI (CM) (73) Ibrahim ABDOULLAHI, Rail Abattoire, YAOUNDE (CM) (57) An aircraft or hybrid air which has a pressurestabilized envelope and some locally manufactured equipment that includes : a 2-stroke internal combustion engine (motorcycle engine) used to rotate the propeller, A steel fuselage forming a rigid triangular structure, a wooden propeller to transform the vertical movement of the pistons, into a rotational movement, Wings and ailerons for the résistance of winds, Wheels that allow the aircraft to be guided on the runway during take-off and landing, an accelerator (motorcycle) that allows you to control the speed of the device, Empennages: stabilizers (depth ruler) and drift (steering ruler) which controls the pitching of the aircraft. There are many projects to improve flight comfort. But also, more and more aircraft projects are being launched to make aviation less polluting. Figure 2 ________________________________________ (11) 21655 Consulter le mémoire (51) G10H 1/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202300409 - PCT/EP2022/058509 (22) 30/03/2022 (30) GB n° 2104696.6 du 31/03/2021; US n° 17/219,610 du 31/03/2021 et US n° 17/707,923 du 29/03/2022 (54) System and methods for automatically generating a musical composition having audibly correct form. (72) LYSKE, Joseph Michael William (GB) (73) DAACI LIMITED, 20-22 Wenlock Road, LONDON N1 7GU, United Kingdom (GB) (74) ALEMBONG OSWALD AMIN, S/C Von Seidels Cameroon Sarl, EasyOffice Building, Centre de l’Artisanat, Carrefour Intendance, B.P. 30188, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A generative composition system reduces existing musical artefacts to constituent elements termed